• Question: How did science begin?

    Asked by anon-269874 on 20 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Nooshin Ghavami

      Nooshin Ghavami answered on 20 Nov 2020:

      That’s a tough question since it seems that science has been around forever! Many people regard Aristotle as the first scientist who lived around 300BC!

    • Photo: Stephanie Longet

      Stephanie Longet answered on 21 Nov 2020:

      Good question ! As Nooshin said, Aristotle is seen as the first scientist. But maybe science started earlier and we don’t really know. It depends what we mean by the beginning of science. I presume humans have always tried to understand the world and to make some tests/experiments to see if something worked.

    • Photo: Kirsty Lindsay

      Kirsty Lindsay answered on 23 Nov 2020:

      Very old science, sometimes called Natural Philosophy, isn’t like science today. Mainly because different ways of finding the answers, which sometimes didn’t include looking at the thing you were interested in! You just need to think and argue logically about the answer to find out how things work,

      Modern Science, where you have a question or a hypothesis ( I wonder what happens if I do this? or If I do this I think that will happen), then design an experiment, do the experiment, record the results and then try again to see if the same thing happens then tell other people about your experiment so they can try it, is called the empirical research. The very first version of this was developed by Sir Francis Bacon in the 1600’s.

    • Photo: Jack Allen

      Jack Allen answered on 26 Nov 2020: last edited 26 Nov 2020 10:22 am

      Good question, I don’t have a good answer, but perhaps it began as soon as people began wondering how the world worked and started to come up with ways to find out.
      Edit: I have just noticed that my answer has already been represented well by previous answers. Great question!
